DAY237 >> Why should I?내가 왜 그래야 하는데? Why should I ~?내가 왜 ~해야 하는데? Why should I shave?내가 왜 면도해야 하는데? >> But I'm going to the library, and they won't let me bring any little kitty cats in.도서관에 갈건데, 거기는 야옹이를 안으로 못 데려가. they그들, 거기(장소, 업체, 단체 등) I'm going to the library. They have lots of books.도서관에 갈거야. 거긴 책이 많아.I called the restaurant and they said I have to have a reservation.식당에 전화해 봤는데 예약해야 한대. ..