
[리얼클래스 학습일기] Catch you guys later!/Who would have thought Angela would become a celebrity? /The problem isn't going to solve itself.

Jayna. 2024. 5. 25. 22:41



>> Catch you guys later!

나중에 또 봐!

= See you later! 

= See you next time!


I wasn't expecting to catch you here.

여기서 널 보게 될 줄은 몰랐는데.



>> I mean, who would wanna mess with all this?

아니, 누가 이런 놈을 상대하고 싶겠어?


Who would + (동사 현재형) 

누가 ~하고 싶겠어

Who would + (동사 과거형)

누가 ~했겠어


Who would want to date him?

누가 걔랑 사귀고 싶겠어?

Who would have thought Angela would become a celebrity?

안젤라가 연예인이 될지 누가 생각했겠어?


>> These dumb humans aren't going to prank themselves.

이 멍청한 인간들이 스스로 장난치진 않을거야.


[ ___ ] isn't going to ~ it self

[ ___ ] 이 알아서 ~하지 않을 거잖아.

=> 스스로 해결되지 않을 것이기 때문에, '내가 나서야 한다'라는 주장을 펼치는 뉘앙스


The problem isn't going to solve itself.

문제가 알아서 해결되지 않을 거잖아.



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