
English/리얼클래스 322

[리얼클래스 학습일기] Who is it? / There we go. / There is a coupon at the back of the flyer. / every single + 단수 / Are we good to go? / That's one way to ~

DAY284 >> Who is it?누구세요? Who is it ate the door knocking?문에 노크하신 분이 누구시죠?Who is the calling?전화주신 분이 누구시죠? >> There we go. 그렇지, 바로 그거야 to be going~가 되어가다, 진행되다How is it going?(일이) 어떻게 되어가고 있어? / 잘 지내고 있어? >> I need you to add the following information to our publicity flyers.우리 홍보 전단에 다음 내용도 넣어줘요. flyer전단지 / 비행 조종사 / 비행 승객 I read about the store in the flyer.전단지에서 매장에 대한 내용을 읽었어요.There is a coup..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] How dare you! / All right! prove it! /Take care of her, will you? / I had a rough few nights. / Just one more minute /Who wants to get pizza? / Never better!

DAY283 >> How dare you!날 뭘로 보고! / 어떻게 감히! dare~할 엄두를 내다, 감히 ~하다 How dare you say that about my family!어떻게 감히 우리 가족에 대해 그렇게 얘기할 수 있어!How dare you betray me like this!어떻게 네가 나를 이렇게 배신할 수가 있어! >> All right! prove it!그래, 그럼 증명해 봐! prove증명하다 / 누군가의 능력을 보여주다 She needed to prove her point.그녀는 자신의 주장을 증명해야 했어요.I wanted to prove him wrong.저는 그가 틀렸다는 것을 증명하고 싶었어요. >> Take care of her, will you?얘 잘 지켜, 알았지..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] high standard / Coming through! / Enough of that / Just help yourself. / take one's place

DAY282 >> She's got some pretty high standards그 양반 눈이 엄청 높아요. high standard높은 기준 She set a high standard f or herself!그녀는 자신에 대한 높은 기준을 세웠어요.The restaurants here are very high standard.여기 식당들은 수준이 매우 높아요. >> Moody teenager coming through.감정 기복 심한 10대 납신다. Coming through!지나갈게요!Excuse me, coming through.실례합니다. 지나가겠습니다.>> Okay, Enough of that!그만. 그 정도면 됐어! Enough of that이제 그만! Enough of that. Stop ..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] stay out of something / take it away / by the way / Why don't we~? / I'm all set for the trip.

DAY281 >> I stay out too late.난 늦게까지 놀아 stay out집에 안 들어오다stay out overnight외박하다 stay out of something= stay out of somebody's way본인과 상관없는 일에 관여하지 않다 / ~를 피한다 He can't stay out late.그는 늦게까지 밖에 있을 수 없어요.Did you stay out late last night?어젯밤에 늦게까지 밖에 있었어요? >> Take it away, Johnny!가 보자, Johnny! take it away시작해요. / 시작해봅시다  Take it away when you are ready!준비되셨을 때 시작하시죠!>> Hey, by the way, I love your a..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] What do you think this is, ~? / You never were, and you never will be. / I didn't mean to. / The store is full of shoppers.

DAY280 >> What do you think this is, kindergarten?여기가 무슨 유치원인 줄 아세요? What do you think this is, ~?이게/ 여기가 ~인 줄 아세요? What do you think this is, a joke?이게 무슨 농담이라고 생각하세요? >> How did I end up with a son like you, eh?어쩌다 내 아들이란 놈이 이렇게 됐지, 응? end up~결국 ~ 처지에 처하게 되다. How did Tyler end up in Korea?타일러는 어떻게 한국에 오게 되었나요?How did I end up in Korea?내가 어떻게 한국으로 오게 됐지?>> You never were, and you never will be...

[리얼클래스 학습일기] Get your homework done. / Come back here, you vandals! / How's that? / Are you kidding? / You got it. / This is your last chance.

DAY279 >> If you keep asking questions, we'll never get this done.계속 그렇게 질문을 하면, 절대 못 끝낼 거야. get~done~을 끝내다 Get your homework done.숙제를 끝내.You need to get your homework done.너는 숙제를 끝내야 해. >> Come back here, you vandals!이리 돌아와, 이 기물 파손자들아! vandal공공 기물 파손자 He was arrested for vandalism.그는 공공 기물 파손 행위로 체포되었어요.This statue was destroyed by a vandal.공공 기물 파손자가 이 조각상을 파괴했어요.>> How's that, Miss Crawly?이번..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] please show someone to~ / Pull over / I can't talk now. / It's a sight to behold. / This is no ordinary ring. / Which one of these is mine?

DAY278 >> Please, show your nana to the royal box.할머니를 귀빈석으로 모셔 줘. please show someone to~someone을 ~로 안내해주세요, 모셔주세요 Please show him to the waiting room.이분을 대기실로 안내해 주세요. >> Pull over.차 한쪽으로 대.=> 갓길에 세우다 The police asked me to pull over.경찰이 차를 갓길로 세우라고 했어요.Just pull over here and I'll get out.그냥 여기 세워주시면 제가 내릴게요. >> I can't talk now. I got to go.지금은 통화 못해. 끊을게.=> 지금 바빠 I can't talk now.지금 당장 얘기 못..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] It's a heck of a party. / I was wondering if~ / I'm a part of the team. / I worked as a stagehand. / to be precise / of all time

DAY277 >> That's heck of a trunk you've got there!네 코 정말 대단하다! heck of a ~대단한, 엄청난 It's a heck of a party.엄청난 파티네요.That's a heck of a story.엄청난 이야기네요.2020 was a heck of a year.2020년은 엄청난 해였어요. >> I was wondering if you'd, maybe, give me a second chance to-어쩌면 혹시, 저한테 한번만 다시 도전할 기회를 주실 수- wonder if~여부를 궁금해하다 I was wondering if~~해도 될까요? / ~해주시겠어요? I was wondering if you could help me.혹시 저를 좀 도와주실 ..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] Quiet down, everybody. / from now on / Turn the music down. / I'll call you back later. / Same as always. / I can't do it all in today.

DAY276>> Quiet down, everybody.모두 조용히 해. quiet down진정하다, 가라앉다 Quiet down, children.얘들아, 진정해I need you to quiet down now.이제 좀 진정해주면 좋겠어요. >> So, from now on, just nod or shake your head, okay?이제부턴 고갤 끄덕이거나 젓기만 해, 알았지? from now on이제부터, 앞으로는 From now on, I'm noing on a diet.이제부터 식단 관리할거야.From now on, I'm gonna study really hard and learn lots of English.이제부터 나 공부 열심히 해서 영어 많이 배울거야.>> Look, turn tha..

[리얼클래스 학습일기] I work for a bank, not a charity. / I have no idea. / Wait, let me back up. / trust me / Don't go near the dog. / I'm through with her.

DAY275 >> I work for a bank, not a charity.우리는 은행이지 자선단체가 아니에요. work for~~에서 일하다, ~를 위해 일하다 I work for my father.저는 제 아버지 밑에서 일해요.She works for animal rights.그녀는 동물 권리를 위해서 일해요. >> Honestly, I have no idea.솔직히 나도 모르겠어요 I have no idea how to fix my car.자동차를 어떻게 고쳐야 할지 전혀 모르겠어요.I have no idea where my phone is.핸드폰이 어디 있는지 전혀 모르겠어요.  >> Whoa,whoa, whoa, Back up.워워, 뒤로 잠깐 돌아가 봐. / 다시 말해봐 Wait, let m..
