
[리얼클래스 학습일기]I was looking for my book. / You'll never get away with this! / That was some game! / Hey, can you lend me a hand?

Jayna. 2024. 7. 13. 22:52



>> Maybe he'll discover that I'm gone, and come looking for me.

내가 사라진 걸 눈치채고 찾으러 올지도 모르지.


look for~

~을 찾는다


I was looking for my book.

나는 나의 책을 찾고 있었어.


>> Don't think you can get away with this!

이러고도 괜찮을 거라 생각하지마!


get away with~

~에 대한 대가를 치르지 않고 빠져나가다


You'll never get away with this!

이런 짓을 해놓고 대가를 치르지 않을 순 없어!

You can't get away with not paying taxes.

세금을 안 낸 책임을 지게 될거야.


>> Well, some kite, huh, Chuck?

대단한 연이지, 척?



약간의, 어떤 / 대단한, 굉장한, 멋진


A: How was the party?

파티 어땠어?

B: You should've come! That was some party!

너 왔어야 했어! 멋진 파티였어!


That was some game!

그것은 대단한 게임이었어!


>> How'd you like to lend a hand with the "Pelicans"?

"펠리컨스" 좀 도와주지 않을래?


lend a hand

손을 빌려주다 => 도와주다


lend a hand to someone in need

도움이 필요한 사람을 도와주다

Hey, can you lend me a hand?

나 좀 도와줄 수 있어?


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