
[리얼클래스 학습일기] No kidding. / No kidding. / You name it. / It's up to you. / put a face to the name / put a name to the face

Jayna. 2024. 9. 30. 08:32



>> No kidding.

설마? 진짜?


>> For real?

정말? 진짜?


>> You name it.

말만 해.

=> 상대에게 선택권을 주는 표현


>> It's up to you.

네가 선택해.


>> put a face to the name


It's so nice to put a face to the name.

(이름만 알았는데) 실제로 만나게 되어서 반가워요!


>> put a name to the face


It's so nice to put a name to the face.

(얼굴만 알았는데) 이름을 알게 되서 반가워요!


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